Stop firefighting – start fire prevention
Don’t fight fires – prevent them arising in the first place. Once a fire starts, its size increases exponentially over time and so does the damage to your processing line. The quicker the ignition source in your process flow can be identified, the less disruptive the incident will be. Ideally, with effective fire prevention measures, you won’t even notice an incident occurred.
Black particles with high energy content
Small sparks can be very bright but often contain little energy because of their low mass. A black particle with a higher mass can have more energy, despite lower temperature, and may have more potential to start a fire.
Black particles are pieces of material that either enter the process from outside, or are created inside the process, for instance through malfunction or friction in the machinery. A hot piece of metal, such as a severed bolt head, if left undetected, can easily start a combustion process and enable fire to take hold.
Prevention of fires and dust explosions
Fire hazard can be present in any process stream with dry material. Wood dust, with an ignition temperature of around 400° C, can easily catch fire due to temperature rise. This can be caused by, for instance, a faulty bearing, which can quickly create conditions for a fire or a dust explosion. If a fire takes hold, it can easily spread to other parts of the facility., potentially causing extensive damage to the plant and lengthy downtime. Firefly’s spark detection system finds the hot particles in the process flow and cools down the source of energy before a fire can develop.
One interface for all fire prevention equipment
EXIMIO™ provides information on system status, events and trends over a chosen time period. A clear visual interface gives a snapshot of the selected process. Remote access functionality enables support from Firefly’s service center.
Local control on the factory floor
The system can be conveniently accessed from the factory floor using 12.1” touch screens located at strategic places around the plant. The panels are dustproof and waterproof, with IP65 rating. An installation will typically include one primary control panel and one or more local touch screens. The entire system can be accessed from any of the screens. Detectors and extinguishing units are connected to local EXIMIO™ hubs, minimizing cabling and installation costs.

Adding further units for scalable fire prevention
As your process changes over time, additional zones can easily be added to the system.
Enhance your fire safety with data
The EXIMIO™ platform combines access to all Firefly’s fire prevention technologies from one single platform.
The modern operator interface ensures quick and easy access to all system functions. The event log has capacity to store up to 1,000,000 events, providing valuable statistics on detections and process stop alarms. Using the desktop application, graphs and reports can provide further insights, helping you mitigate risks and maximize uptime.
New and improved fire prevention features
Valuable information on statistics of detections and process stop alarms over time is accessed through RiskStatistics™. Detailed data findings are analyzed and visualized in an easy way to interpret through this Add-on feature, enhancing your fire prevention strategy.
HydroTest™ Technology
To ensure the powerful extinguishing performance of the system Firefly has developed a new patented technology called HydroTest™ Technology. It automatically evaluates the condition of the pressurized water system including the bladder tank.
This Add-on feature of the EXIMIO™ system is completely unique on the market, and yet another step forward for Firefly in enhancing fire prevention and increasing the level of safety for our customers.